
The NHL Is So Fucking Stupid For Putting Game 6 On Sunday Night At 10pm Instead of idk...ANY OTHER TIME ON SUNDAY


I don't want to hear it "well actually" people. I don't care what time it is in Edmonton. I don't care at all. If you can't see how ridiculously stupid this scheduling is than you can't be helped. This is so classic Bettman and NHL it hurts. One game on Sunday. ONE. With Connor McDavid at home and they put it at 10pm EST. It makes so little sense that not even the biggest spinzone can help. And furthermore, the one NBA game is at 3:30. So let's say you have to plan around that, you can still do a *gasp* 7pm EST start time, which is still an awesome PST time as well. To shove McDavid at 10pm on a Sunday is so asinine it is bordering on illegal. Like, what are they hiding? Because nobody with a single brain cell in their noggin would say "let's hide McDavid from the world, they've simply seen too much of him!". 

I've been blogging for like, 5 years now about how shitty the NHL is at showcasing McDavid and then they turn around and prove me right every chance they get. I love being correct, don't get me wrong, but I'd prefer lil Jimmy in Nashua and lil Tommy in Stowe get to turn on their TVs and witness greatness. 10pm on a Sunday night though? Just ridiculous. Heads should roll.