
Baseball Is So Back In Philly, And Everyone Is All Horned Up About It

There was a good 5-year span where the city of Philadelphia would transform into a giant sea of red from April to October. During that run from 2007 to about 2012, you'd be hard pressed to find anybody in the greater Philadelphia area who didn't have a few Phillies shirts in their closet and hit up a few games over the summer. Don't get me wrong, the Eagles were always and will always be the #1 team in this city. But during that stretch I'd say the Phillies came pretty damn close. A Friday night or Saturday afternoon at Citizens Bank Park was where you'd find about half the city. 

Then there was a decade of dog shit. And then last year the Phils went on a run to the World Series and brought baseball back to life in Philadelphia. The only thing is that it took them until the playoffs to really get everybody all hot and bothered over the Fightins again. And by that time, the weather was starting to turn. So while the Phillies brought baseball back to town last postseason, this is the first time that baseball is back in Philly AND the weather is supreme. Which means one thing and one thing only…

Everybody is all horned up at CBP. 

The sky is blue, the sun is out, the smell of crab fries is wafting through the air, and the whole city is fuckin'. 

Folks next to them are having a blast just hooting and hollering over the ordeal. The old dudes behind them can't believe their eyes, but those old dogs need to be careful because if they watch too much it might spike their heart rate a little too high. And poor fella in the rally cap in front of them knows exactly what's going on, but also knows he'll get in trouble if he turns around and watches. Such a predicament to find himself in. 

At the end of the day, there ain't nothing wrong with being a little horny at the Phillies game. Especially not a day game with perfect weather and the Phils are catching breaks like this in the bottom of the 10th. 

I'm horny just watching it, and I don't even have that sweet sweet Citizens Bank Park air flowing through my system. 
