
The Hot Dog Wave Pool At The Phillies Dollar Dog Night Is One Of The Most Majestic Natural Phenomena

Like looking at the Northern Lights or watching the Monarch butterfly migration, there's something truly special to seeing the pork missile tsunami in Citizens Bank Park. This is nature in all its glory. Often times we take this world for granted. We see city streets that are covered in trash and piss and shit, and we forget that Planet Earth is immaculate. This amazing giant rock is filled with so much natural beauty that'll leave you in shock and awe and will just blow your dick away. 

And what's so special about this phenomena is its rarity. You don't get a chance to see this every day. Last night was the 3rd and final dollar dog night at Citizens Bank Park for the season. You know that Philly fans had to go out with a bang when glizzies only cost a buck. Every so often you'll get a chance to see hot dogs getting launched from one section to another during your standard dollar dog night. But when it coincides with the wave? It's like a symphony. All these parts coming together to make something magical happen. 

The best part of it all? The Phillies came away with an 8-4 win last night against Toronto. Their first Dollar Dog Night win of the season. I was really starting to get worried that they'd go 0-3 on DDN's this season, and then we'd really have to reconsider on whether or not to keep them going in the future. But the men took care of business, and the fans put on a display for the ages. 

Cured and emulsified meat stuffed into a tube and sold for one single US Dollar at the ballpark. Doesn't get any better than that. 
