
The A's Are Moving RIGHT ONTO THE VEGAS STRIP, Demolishing The Trop And Putting Up a $1.5 Billion Stadium


This is awesome. I love it. Look at this location:



Right there on the strip. Walking distance to everything. If I sound giddy it's because I am- I can't wait to stumble my drunk ass into a baseball game in Vegas. I said it about the Knights, and about the Raiders, and now about the A's- it's a destination party waiting to happen. Bachelor party, weekend away, whatever. You plan your Vegas trip around your team playing out there. And the great thing about baseball is it's not just a one off game like hockey or football, it's a weekend, so you really, truly get your money's worth (and since it's baseball, tickets are on the cheap side which helps if you crash and burn at the blackjack tables). 

Will there be traffic issues? Sure. But who cares. That's what happens when stadiums are built, traffic piles up. But I'm positive they will build more roads, more air conditioned walking tunnels, have satellite lots with shuttles, etc to help alleviate it. There's trade-offs for everything, and the pros of this location should way outweigh the cons, and it's not even close.

Hopefully the A's owners will not fuck this up---meaning hopefully they will SPEND. Do not ruin this for everyone, you jabronis. If they get this state of the art stadium on the Strip and then keep a $15 million payroll the MLB should drop a nuke on ownership and give the team to someone who cares. Screwing up this move would be so god damn stupid I don't want to think about it.

Vegas sports rule. Basketball, you're up next.