
The Cardinals May Still Suck, But Paul Goldschmidt Was A STUD Today

The Cardinals are a very very bizarre baseball team. For the first time in what feels like years they stink. 11-24 ...dead last in the Central. Dead last in the NL. Somewhere Carl (a Cubs fan) is reading this telling me to "shut up" and not jinx it, because even when the Cardinals stink they find some magic up their assholes and end up back in the race. He would say this all the time on Hot Ice how August has Cardinals magic and there is something in the air that has them turn into the 27 Yankees. 

I think even the most cautious of people have nothing to really worry about this year. The Cardinals seem dead. It's weird to see one of the staples in baseball be out of it before Mother's Day but here we are. I think it's over, and to be honest ... I still am not over 06 so they can afford to have one shitty season. 

For as shitty as this season has been, baseball is a long ass season and you are always bound to have bright spots. Today was for sure a bright spot for Paul Goldschmidt. 3 blasts in a game the Cardinals absolute needed after losing 8 straight, and 13 out of 15. Absolutely horrific stretch of baseball.

 Professional hitter Paul Goldschmidt as Big Ev calls him put the team on his back and said not today. Time will tell how bad this Cardinals team really is... but for today at least they stopped the skid. A win today, and two more in a row is a winning streak to quote Lou Brown. Small goals might just be what this team needs to get out of the basement .
