
UFO Documentary Filmmaker James Fox Has Stunning Interviews with Eyewitnesses to 'Brazil's Roswell,' Including a Soldier Dying From Exposure to Alien Bacteria

This is the trailer for Moment of Contact, a documentary by James Fox, who previously did The Phenomenon, about the inner workings of the US government's UFO programs, which I highly recommend to anyone with any interest in the most important story of our times. 

If you're not familiar with the incident commonly referred to as "Brazil's Roswell," allow me to give you a (pun intended) crash course from the most unimpeachable source in the world, Wikipedia:

The Varginha UFO incident involves a series of events in 1996 when residents of Varginha, Brazil claimed seeing one or more strange creatures and at least one unidentified flying object (UFO). Other associated claims include the capture of one or more extraterrestrial beings by the Brazilian authorities, animal fatalities at a zoo, and a woman impregnated by an extraterrestrial. ...

According to media reports, a creature was sighted on the afternoon of January 20, 1996, by three women ranging from 14 to 22 years old. The women described the creature as a large headed biped with "spots like veins on the skin and some bumps on the head [...] eyes were two red balls." The creature (later termed the "ET de Varginha") seemed to be wobbly or unsteady, and the girls assumed it was injured or sick. The women said that they fled and told their mother that they had seen the "devil".

The authorities in Brazil are apparently not lazy and unoriginal enough to blame these sightings on weather balloons or attention whores making up stories, instead chalked them up to the witnesses mistaking a crazy homeless guy for an extraterrestrial. So points to them for their creativity. But that didn't stop the good people of Varginha from embracing what their friends and neighbors insist really happened:

Well Fox was on Joe Rogan a few days ago. And while there is naturally a lot to process in a three hour podcast, here's a digestible piece.

tl;dw: In the clip, Fox describes an official straight up telling him in a private moment that everything he's spent years investigating actually happened. His interviews with the three young ladies who found the "weak and feeble" alien "screeching" for them to help him. (I'd tell you to picture the part in E.T. where they find him all gray and sick down by the river, but none of us needs that kind of tear-jerking, Spielbergian emotional manipulation right now.) The shady government officials who offered the girls suitcases filled with cash to stay quiet about what they'd seen, and Fox's reluctance to mention it for the obvious Men in Black baggage it brings. His interview with the driver of the vehicle that delivered the alien to the hospital, who talks about it for the first time. And the doctor who was on duty, and was ordered to perform X-rays on the alien's body by a room full of armed soldiers, who then took the film without allowing him to check to see if the X-rays came out. And the foul stench that remained for days and weeks after. Finally, he spoke to the two military police officers who captured the alien and brought it to a military base, were a US Air Force plane landed and took control of it. 

So not a lot of interesting stuff to hold your attention in one 15-minute video. 

Yet the most shocking part of all is in the middle of that clip when Fox talks about one military police officer who came in contact with the creature dying shortly thereafter. Shocking for a lot of reasons. Not the least of which is he was a completely healthy 23-year-old. Or that doctors could not explain what caused his death. Since the Rogan podcast, Fox went on Breaking Points and showed them a stunning interview he did with the forensic pathologists who did the MP's autopsy, that he and Rogan never got to. Their comments come at the 9:30 mark:


Here's the thing. It's easy to demand physical, irrefutable proof before you believe anything. Especially something as unspeakably strange as an alien being seen by witnesses, getting captured by the military, and killing a perfectly healthy man with a bacteria from beyond out world. In fact, it is perfectly logical to have that approach. As Carl Sagan always said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." 

But the truth is, life rarely gives you that. As anyone who's seen a jury trial (I've sat through literally hundreds) will tell you, most cases come down to testimony, and get decided by whom the jury believes. In like 99% of the drunk driving cases I worked, the jurors would go in to deliberate, and in a few minutes they'd come back with a question. And that question would invariably be whether there was a Breathalyzer test done. Because they don't want to rely on the cop's opinion that the guy was shitfaced or the lady didn't pass the Field Sobriety Test. They want actual tangible evidence. A verifiable number they can rely on. The way they get the hair fiber sample or the DNA result that positively identifies the killer in the last act of every procedural crime drama. 

For better or worse though, we live in the real world. Where things almost always come down to how much you believe when people tell you what they experienced. Look at those people in the trailer for Moment of Contact and those forensics doctors and ask yourself if you think they're just being full of shit. Or think they're telling the truth but are really just misremembering. 

Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt, it's not unfair to say their story doesn't prove Varginha was visited by someone from another world or dimension or whatever. Fine. Just bear in mind that the leading cause of death in the whole history of the human race hasn't been famines, cancer, heart attacks, ritual sacrifice, getting eaten by predators, wars, OJ Simpson, or even old age. 

It's been disease. Spread by visitors to a part of the world their kind had never been to before. That the locals had never been exposed to before. So they die in often astonishing numbers. It's believed that the Europeans unknowingly carried pathogens across the Atlantic that wiped out 95% of the population of the Americas. And with the help of plague rats from their ships during the Age of Exploration, the world returned the favor back to Europe on numerous occasions. 


Which makes it fairly easy to believe exposure to a being from another solar system might give a person interstellar cooties that no coroner's report can make sense of. Spoiler alert for a century-old story, but we straight up murder the Martians in War of the Worlds with a bug my mother used to treat with warm, flat ginger ale, soup, and me on the couch watching The Price is Right.

Anyway, if you need further proof than these people's testimony, you probably won't get it until the mothership hovers above the US Capitol and starts blasting. Or simply wipes us out with a big cosmic flu. When that day comes, those of us who believe the good people of Varginha will have the last laugh.