
A CALL TO ACTION: Viktoria Varga Needs Help Picking Her Favorite Bikini Color, Society Must Come Together To Help

Nothing gets me going like a good debate, especially when there's no true winner. It's just arguing your opinion as fact and digging your heels in the sand. That's what Viktoria Varga wants us to do, so that's what we're going to do. It's summer season and she needs to figure out her favorite color. We have plenty of options too - purple, pink, turquoise or whatever that other color is. Pardon me for not knowing but as a colorblind person it's not easy, that's why I'm putting it on the blog. I need as much help as Viktoria. 

It's a little crazy for her to outsource the favorite color pick. I mean, she's a fashion star. She's got hundreds of thousand followers. She's married to former soccer player Graziano Pelle, who probably can help too. Maybe he's colorblind. But, hey, as someone who puts opinions on the Internet daily, sometimes you just want others to just pick for you.

So who knows? Do you go pink, which is bright and screams summer? I personally wouldn't pick that 3rd option because I can't tell the color. Can't have that. Anyways, she wants opinions, let's giver her some. And because I'm a blogger for the people here are some other pictures to help. 

