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Colombian Model Took The Most Clear UFO Footage I've Ever Seen


Yup, that's a UFO.



Indy 100 - A model has shared what some are describing on social media as the 'best UFO footage ever' after spotting something strange during a flight.

Valentina Rueda Velez, a Colombian model who goes by the username @Valentinarueda.v on Instagram, shared a clip during a recent journey on a private plane.

Valez, who has worked with the likes of Pretty Little Thing during her career, claims to have seen something strange pass by her window while flying on April 4.


Do you ever think about how it's possible that dating back from the caveman days, UFOs have always been depicted as flying saucers? And how every time we see a video like this one, it's a flying saucer? Do you ever think it's because UFOs have been spotted since the dawn of mankind, we continually see them, and we still have people who think they don't exist?! Of course they exist! We don't have models like Valentina Rueda Velez faking UFO videos somehow, do we? That's impossible. And then what, are we assuming every UFO spotting is fake? What about in the 1940s before we even had technology? I guess what I'm saying is anyone who still thinks aliens and UFOs are fake are the biggest ding dongs on the planet. 

I mean shit, Barack Obama confirmed there were aliens



The Navy confirmed their were aliens



Even Miley saw aliens!!




It's time you admitted it….Take it away, Tom!