Shaving Your Balls Is Actually Optional Despite Popular Belief
*How you do anything is how you do everything* then why should guys shave their balls? Is it disrespectful to not?
When it comes to shaving balls, there are basically two schools of thought. One thought is that you should. The other says that you shouldn't. To me, the truth is somewhere in the middle. I just dont like people making fun of my cohost Connor because his pubes, lest we forget, are as thick as winter molasses. I'm so sick of hearing about that. There's nothing he can do!
Now, if you aren't a testicle haver, you might be unfamiliar with the skin on balls. Sure, we've all felt some but if they aren't yours, you really have no idea just how thin ball skin is. It's thin. Very thin.
I'm typically not one to make personal recommendations on hygiene or grooming practices. However, if you are considering shaving your genitals, it's important to consider the potential risks and benefits like nicks, cuts, and the increase of sweatiness. This aint just for balls either. Pussies too. Gotta be careful with them bad boys.
On one hand, shaving can provide a smoother and cleaner appearance and may also increase sensitivity during sexual activity which sounds great right? And that's not even talkin about the smell LOL. On the other hand, shaving can also lead to skin irritation, ingrown hairs, and an increased risk of infection especially if we're in a location that sometimes poops too.
Ultimately, the decision to shave your genitals is a personal choice and should be made based on your individual preferences and not prompted by bullying in the locker room because it looks like, and I quote, "You have Coolio in head scissors." Fuckin mean.
In all seriousness, I think there is something to what the Mean Girls are saying. If you don't at least trim your pubes, there is no respect there. Listen, after we've been in the neighborhood for a while, it's ok to let the hedges get a little unruly from time to time. Nothing wild but if your front yard is looking disheveled for a week or two, the HOA board should cut you some slack. But, if the entire front lawn is in a state of disrepair for weeks on end, you gotta do something to chop down the crops and possibly issue a formal apology composed on your personal stationery. First-time hookups are even more important. You need some curb appeal if you want people to make you an offer.
No one likes super long pube hair (I mean, some people do. There's a fetish for everything. I even saw a Reddit page once that was only for super long, thin tits. These fuckin tits looked like tube socks draped over someone's shoulders shortly after said sock was placed in the washing machine. Flat, soaked, sock tits. Whew) so that means we should all do a little grooming.
But, there is great risk in shaving your balls even if you are using a razor specifically designed for your sack. These nuts are super sensitive and the skin is so thin. It's frustrating! One false move and you're bleeding all over your britches. Not good.
Lastly, some people have long pubes due to religious reasons. Be sure to ask someone what their religion is before making fun of them about their disgusting pubes. They might have disgusting pubes in order to honor god. Just keep that in mind. It's all about being respectful, folks.
Good work, everybody.