Thieves In Philadelphia Stole More Than A MILLION Dimes And I Have No Choice But To Respect The Effort
AP- PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A truck containing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of dimes was broken into while it was parked overnight at a Philadelphia store, and authorities say the thieves apparently made off with at least $100,000.
The theft was reported around 6 a.m. Thursday. The tractor-trailer driver had picked up about $750,000 in dimes from the Philadelphia Mint on Wednesday, authorities said, and was planning to transport them to Florida on Thursday.
It’s not clear how many people may have been involved in the theft or if they knew what the truck contained. Responding police officers found hundreds of dimes scattered all over the parking lot, and authorities were still trying to determine how much money was stolen.
No arrests have been made.
Obviously, theft is wrong. Stealing money is wrong, and I don't condone it. Although, the Dutch getting the island of Manhattan for $24 worth of beads, trinkets, a jar of Mayonnaise, two pair of wooden clogs, a loaf of wonder bread and a carton of Quaker oats is 100% a crime, but as Jim Calhoun says "Not a dime back". Anyway, if I need to preface that stealing is wrong … here it is. Stealing is wrong. Very wrong and no one should do it.
Now, with that said, do you almost respect these thieves given just how hard it must have been to rob $100,000 in dimes? Do you realize how many dimes that is? It's 1 million dimes (unless I just made a massive fool of myself doing math). ONE MILLION fucking dimes. I have a lot of questions …
First off, was this planned. Did they stake out the driver and know that he was going to stop to sleep after a nice Steve's cheese steak and a Water Ice (absolutely ridiculous that is what it's called down there)? Did they think this guy was an easy mark after following his every move?
Another question … did they know he was coming from The Mint and not know what he was carrying?
A quick research into the Philadelphia Mint shows they have :
USMINT - The nation’s first mint provides a wide array of coins and manufacturing services. Philadelphia produces coin and medal dies. It mints:
- Circulating coins
- Numismatic products including annual uncirculated coin sets
- Commemorative coins as authorized by Congress
- Medals
So did these guys hope this driver was on the truck with the medals or the quarters because they would get more bang for their buck , and then when they realized it was dimes they were pot committed?
Additional questions … How did they carry it? Did all the wives and neighbors of their local soccer teams and pool clubs get asked over a 10 year period to save their Target carryout bags so these guys could carry this shit? Even if it was already bagged in the truck you do realize it was 1 million coins. That shit is heavy. I'm amazed as to how they did it so efficiently or how many trips it took to take that many dimes.
Last question … where the hell did they change out 1 million dimes into cash? Or did they have a plan to load up soda machines up and down I95 and then smash those to take the money out in dollar bills? How can you roll into any place and hand over a fist full of dimes, let alone 100k worth of dimes and not get a weird look? Hell, if I forget to reload my MetroCard and pay for the bus in change I get weird looks, where on earth are these guys changing out dimes into dollar bills?
Again, I hate that they did this and somehow it will raise prices across the country or hurt us in taxes, but how difficult it is to steal of all things… DIMES, and what you do once you have that many will never cease to amaze me.
Bizarre situation. Bizarre criminals.