Paramedic Wildly Embarrassed After Stealing 94-Year-Old Woman's Money And Immediately Realizing He's On Security Camera
First of all, that's the most 94-year-old's home I've ever seen. From the carpet choice to the nine different types of recliners, I can imagine my grandma pulling up a seat, cracking open the paper copy of the newspaper, having a glass of coffee, and chewin the fat with the other ladies from her Sunday school class. Wholesome and some would say fucking adorable. The house smells though. Make no mistake about that. It smells. It fucking reeks of piss. Not new piss either. We are talking some old piss. Could be a cat. Could be another lady from the Sunday school class. It's hard to determine where and who the piss came from but it's piss. Oh yeah. It's some hot or cold piss. Could be room-temperature piss too I guess.
Because this piss-smelling room reminds me of my nana, I cannot and will not abide tomfoolery by anyone, let alone the person who was called because she was dead. Oh no no no. You cannot be stealing from an old woman just moments after her body goes cold.
The feeling you got caught has to be the much worse version of taking a screenshot of something dumb you were saying to one of your friends about another mutual acquaintance meaning to send it to another friend but, instead, you sent it back to the person who is getting made fun of. Not only that, but you also sent the screenshot with a caption like "Look at Brian and that stupid hat he's wearing. Did you see that bulge in his pocket? I think it's dice. He looked dumb. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb." Embarrassing.
Now look, I get what was going through the paramedic's mind. The lady is dead. What's the harm? Where is the foul? To be fair, I don't know the answer and I'm well on the record that I think stealing is a rush like no other but 60 buckaroons? Buddy, that's enough to have Egg McMuffins every day for 10 days. Is that worth being caught on video stealing from a 94-year-old dead woman? I'd say no but understand the people who are screaming yes from the rooftop with empty pockets.
My condolences to the family.