
No One Has Ever Wanted People To See Their Cock More Than This Guy Wants People To See His Cock

Truth be known, im addicted to saying cock. Im not sure why but I've been dropping hard cock bombs any chance I get. Cock. Just a silly little cock until it's not. And that's where this story begins: unwanted cock exposure smh. 

Far be it from me to judge one for exposing the ole dingaling in the privacy of your own home but I need to judge this guy who had his wiener out while he wasn't at home. Sometimes I have the urge to whip that bad boy out and toss it around in the sky like Mary Poppins on her way to see Jane and Michael… Banks. But, instead of an umbrella, I have my outrageously shitty dick in the clouds and I'm riding that micro-umbrella onto the streets of foggy London town without a care in the world. Shimshimery shimshimshado, indeed. But, unlike the song from Mary Poppins, a spoon of medicine won't make the cock go down, but it could lead to your downfall like this fella we are about to talk about. 

Let's see what actually happened before we really judge the gentleman who, as it so happens, has a neck that looks like I would have blogged about it years ago. Not tryin to be a perv, but buddy, your neck looks like a vagina. I say vagina because, unfortunately, we are no longer able to say pussy on the blog. Portnoy got corporate on us and now we our hands tied behind our backs when it comes to pussy. Sad. That being said, I will renew my age-old promise to the reader. Pussy wont come across my lips or fingers ever again!

First snippet from the actual story. Are you ready because they come out of the gate fucking swinging? 

Geoffrey Chambers, 68, from Newport, was locked up in February 2021 after he had “paraded himself” in Hereford town centre while making eye contact with women.

Parading around? This guy is taking a casual stroll with his dick out for the world to see while making eye contact. If you're making eye contact while you are doing a despicable act, you are just a sicko. There is no parades for sicko so you can not parafe it. You can treat it like a spy but there is no paradaing. Not now. Not ever. It's that simple. This is sicko behavior in the highest order. Sicko. Sicko. Let that word resound. From hilltop to hilltop. From valley to valley. Sicko. Simply a sicko.

The serial sex offender was sent to prison again later that year after he was caught exposing himself on a crowded beach at Barry Island when it was packed with thousands of sunseekers.

Sunseekers, not cock seekers. Well, not from him anyway. These new bathing suits are tearing the beach scene up. It's either a thong up the asscheeks or some 3-inch inseam baggies. Disgusting. And no, before anyone suggests it, he wasn't just hangin a little brain. 


A judge told Chambers on that occasion that he was “addicted” to flashing and he has 16 previous convictions for 43 offences dating back to the early 1980s.

God damn! On its face, the judge seems to be right but I do not believe that flashing is an addiction. Crack is an addiction. Meth is an addiction. Eating so much that you could turn into a Violet Beauregarde who needs to head on down to the dejuicer is an addiction.  

But flashing is not. As the old saying goes, 43 times is just too much cock exposure. Way too much. Always has been and always will be. 

So, what happened?

Not much. He was told he had to erase the data from his phone and have the internet blocked from it. Bizarre behavior from everyone involved except for the ones who had to see his penis without consent. Let that be a rule. Do not show your penis unless someone wants you to like my wife has done over 1500 times. Incredible. 

PS: the story is old but I get to blog about stuff even if it's old. Pretty sweet gig.