
Everyone Is Too Scared To Say It But Nobody Actually Likes A Cinderella Story In The NCAA Tournament

Goodman is a moron but this shows you exactly what I mean. When there are upsets in the first two weekends it is absolutely amazing because while there is chaos, there are also a ton of other games to look forward to. But now in the Final 4? You want the teams everyone knows. 

While I am writing this there is no shade whatsoever to these teams because they deserve to be there, but as a fan you're lying to yourself if you are excited to watch FAU and San Diego State play each other in the Final 4. Last year we got Villanova, Kansas, Duke and UNC all in the Final 4 and it was fucking amazing. 

Upsets are really fun in the beginning but we all know we would rather see the big names when it comes down to the Final 4. Even teams like Texas or Alabama. The lowest viewed Final 4 game in NCAA history was Houston vs Baylor just 2 years ago, and I believe this year we could see even less. 

Uconn vs Miami will be a much better game and have bigger draws, and should be an absolute amazing game that I can't wait to watch, and I'm sure everyone wishes the other game had some sort of big name program in it as well. 

My officially pick to win the entire thing is Miami.