
There Will Be No Changes Made To Baseball's New Pitch Clock Before The Regular Season Begins Next Week, But Batboys And Batgirls Will Now Be Put On Notice If They're Too Slow

San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images. Getty Images.

This year's Spring Training has been dominated by baseball's new rules that will drastically change the game. As the weeks have progressed we're seeing less and less violations, showing fans that the players are gonna be just fine adapting. 

As Opening Day approaches many did wonder if after weeks of Spring Training whether the new rules being installed into the game would be altered in any way. Maybe increase the seconds between pitch by a little? Allow the hitter some more time to get ready? Well, Jeff Passan made it clear that at least to start that will not be happening. 

While the main rules are staying the same, there was a hilarious wrinkle in Passan's article.

Manfred has done it. THIS is how your get more fans. It's not pitch clock, robot umps. 7 inning double headers, or automatic runners in extra innings, no it's wrangling in those maniacal batboy/batgirls who have been tripping on their feet all these years and taking their sweet ass time to do their job. I think I speak for all of us watching baseball games in the past who just screamed at their TVs begging the batboys and girls to pick up the pace. It was killing the sport, glad Manfred saw this. 

Bat boys and bat girls, YOU are on watch now. There's no more room to dick around. We're gonna have teams breaking down all sorts of bat retrieving sabermetrics to make sure they have the most efficient mechanism in the game. 

I NEED baseball savant to create a tab on their site with all the advanced stats. I NEED to have cameras on a meeting between MLB and a team's front office official over one of their bat boys being too slow. Unleash all the stupidity.