
I'm Playing The Biggest Poker Game Of My Life On Thursday Vs A Bunch Of TikTokers


It's finally happening. At long last I am getting on a plane to play one of the most popular streamed poker games on the planet, the Hustler Casino game in LA. This game regularly gets over 10,000 concurrents on YouTube, and I'm expecting this Thursday to be no different as my small fry, barely any follower having ass lucked my way into playing in the "Creator Poker Night" vs a bunch of players who have millions of followers on IG and TikTok. You might notice Josh Richards from the BFF Podcast is playing, as if his homie Bryce Hall, who might need a lesson or two before Thursday...



Also playing is Alex Botez who is an uber-successful chess player turned streamer turned poker player, and our friend Hoodie Allen who is a successful musician with millions of streams on Spotify and sold out world tours. I don't know much about Tommy or Nick besides the fact they have a ton of followers, and Mikki who quite frankly scares me. 

This is a dream spot for me, as the table isn't tough and I've definitely played more hands of poker than the rest of the table combined. But I'm also, you know, still an amateur poker player. All bullshit aside I'm better than some give me credit for, it's not like I'm complete shit, but there's also a reason I edit blogs for a living, ya know? I should be a winner in this game, and my biggest nightmare is getting aces in good vs like, JT or something, and losing. This is a dream lineup and losing in it would be devastating, especially if I get my money in good. 

For those wondering: No, Dave is not staking me or anything. He barely cares that I'm alive, he's not giving me money. This is purely me taking a shot above my bankroll for a chance at glory. It's a very cool opportunity, and I'm looking forward to making the most of it. I wish I could say "I just want to have fun", but honestly I just want to take all these TikTokers money. I want to bury them. 

Am I nervous? Sort of. Not about the money, but about losing on stream. I've gotten a few tweets saying "if you can't beat this lineup, just quit". That's the nervous part- I *can* beat this lineup, but to reiterate, I'm nervous about running bad and losing money. That is my nightmare. 

I hope everyone watches on Thursday. This is a big opportunity for me and if it goes well we could be doing more poker streams with more Barstool employees in the future. If it goes poorly I will take up farming. 

We'll be recapping the whole thing on the stupid little podcast, hopefully it's good news only!