
This Hockey Ref Needs To Get A Call-Up To The NHL Immediately

Being a ref in any sport is one of the most thankless jobs that anybody could ever take up. Why anybody still decides to be a ref in the year 2023 is beyond me. You show up to call a game and you just get bombarded with insults and aggressions from the fans, from the coaches, from the players. Doesn't matter if you're reffing a bunch of 8-year-olds, or you're reffing at the professional level. Everybody involved with that game hates your guts and is going to treat you like a piece of shit for the duration of the event. 

So if we're going to ruthlessly shit on refs every time they get a call slightly wrong, we also need to applaud those who go above and beyond to get the job done. The refs who know that getting the call right is the only thing that matters in life. They're going to sell out on every play like it's their last, and leave not a single shred of doubt out on that ice that the right call was made. You can send the video replay guys home for the night because you know you're not gonna need them. The War Room in Toronto can kick up their feet and turn on a movie, because they're not necessary. Stripes over here has a better view than any camera on Earth could produce. 

Guy just gets it. 

He's worked his ass off to get to this point. Countless hours in the gym. He's got his own set of keys to the rink to open up in the morning and close up at night. I heard he even sleeps with a whistle in his mouth. He's put in the time and he deserves a shot to call a game at the highest level. Get this man out of Russia and let's get him over here in time for the start of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. We'll send over Tim Peel and future considerations as a trade. 
