The University Of San Diego Scored 10 Runs In An Inning Without The Ball Ever Leaving The Infield
Pray for the Pacific baseball team this week, because those guys are going to be doing fielding drills and running poles until their legs fall off. The Tigers scored nine runs on 19 hits and got blown out because they authored what was possibly the worst defensive inning in the history of baseball.
This is one of the most unbelievably terrible fielding displays I've ever seen. Pacific should have lucked into properly fielding a bunt or two at some point, but they just kept flinging the ball all over the place. The only times the ball technically left the infield in the whole inning were when Pacific launched it over the first baseman's head or past the catcher.
Pacific's next game is against CSU Bakersfield this afternoon and if I were coaching the Roadrunners, we'd bunt every single at-bat. And if Pacific can find a way to get 27 outs before we score a dozen runs or so, more power to them.