
The Only Thing Worse Than Losing An Over Because You Bet It Early Is Losing An Over Because Some Dope Missed A 360 Dunk

Awful ... awful ... awful beat. AWFUL. First off, it sucks to bet a game early and then have the number go against you. In this case last night the total was 149.5, and then moved down to 146.5. That's bad enough, everyone talks about closing value, or getting a great number, no one tells you about the awful times when you go to bed and wake up and see the number went against you. That's bad enough. 

The only thing that can make things worse is having to watch some absolute dope miss a wide open dunk because he decided to do a 360. This game is not for the weak of heart, and games like this will make you very very upset. What an awful awful way to lose. By the way, there was absolutely zero reason for that kid to try and dunk the ball but if you were going to dunk it make sure you dunk the ball and it goes in. What a jerk . Dave deserves better than this ... 


