
P.J. Tucker Would Never Need To Do Something So Desperate And Pathetic As Scoring Points To Win A Basketball Game

P.J. Tucker might just be the God of NBA efficiency by not subjecting himself to something as lowly as scoring points in order to help his team win. This man really is a treasure. He struck again last night with a 22-minute scoreless effort "helping" his 76ers destroy the Charlotte Hornets. 

Anytime I come across a stat like the tweet above I can't help but dive into the numbers myself and compare it to others to show how absurd it is. This one didn't disappoint. I counted the number of games any player with at least 15-minutes of playing time had this season along with winning percentage for those games. This helps get rid of bench warmers coming in at the end of blowouts. And as you can see below, no one wins more games without scoring than Tucker. Probably not even the world's greatest Dungeons and Dragons player.

* updated after my dumbass code fail on Win pct | min five qualifying games

Props to Jevon Carter and Reggie Bullock for winning all their games, but they only started in five of these games while King P.J. started in all 19. That takes dedication to not doing the very thing needed to win at the game you are playing. I'll be honest, I don't watch a lot of 76ers games, but I have to believe this guy is a level-100 intangibles because he averages about 3.5 points, 5 rebounds, and 1.5 assists per game. And he's a starter?

Giphy Images.

But you know what? 15 wins out of 19 scoreless games can't be wrong. Upper management material if you ask me. You might miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take, but P.J. is winning 90% of the games he doesn't even shoot. This man does nothing and gets everything. A true zoomer hero. I can't help but respect it and hope he continues to do no things with great success. 


- Jeffro