
“I Seen Your Girl Sucking Dick” - Credit To Jamal Murray For Not Going Malice At The Palace 2.0 On A Pistons Fan Who Tried Talking Shit

Chris Schwegler. Getty Images.

For the last week or so, I think it's fair to say the Denver Nuggets were in a bit of a rut. They dropped 4 straight to a combination of CHI/SA/BKN/TOR all while giving up a billion points a night, which is not exactly what you're hoping for at this time of year for a team that has been one of then best in the league all season. Last night was a chance to stop the streak and get back on track with a matchup against the tanking Pistons, which the Nuggets handled with a 119-100 win. I'm sure many Nuggets fans exhaled big time after that one, because when you're sliding at this time of the year, all you really need is a win. It doesn't matter who it comes against or how you get it, you just need to stop the bleeding.

Now just because the Pistons may be terrible (15-55) with a current run that looks like this

of course that's not going to stop some Pistons fans from talking shit. Why on earth they would ever do that is beyond me, but fans talking shit to players is certainly nothing new, even if it is kind of lame.

This? This is lame

There are a couple issues here. First of all, Jamal Murray was actually pretty good in this game?

But let's not even factor that in for the sake of this discussion. Let's just focus on the actual trash talk. If there's one thing I'll never understand, it's people going to these games and then doing stuff like this. Why can't you be normal? What does anyone gain by acting that way? Everyone knows the players can't do shit about it, so to me it's the ultimate fake tough guy move. Like, it's easy to talk shit while being able to hide behind security in the middle of a game. I think we can all agree that absolutely NONE of this is being said to Jamal Murray outside of an NBA arena where he has an opportunity to do something about it. So the mindset behind even thinking this is cool or a funny idea is very strange to me. Again, just be normal? This is especially true if you're a fan of a dogshit team who is getting crushed? 


Also, is it even a burn that Jamal had that video hit the internet with his girlfriend? What are we, 10 years old? I also can't help but notice things got pretty quiet once Jokic showed up. That's always a funny angle to these things too. Overall just a very embarrassing showing for that guy, you hate to see it.

I dunno, maybe this is just a me thing, but I'll never understand doing stuff like this. Again, why is it so hard to just be normal? Of all the people to talk shit to, you choose Jamal Murray? That alone is a little weird. Maybe the answer to all of this kind of stuff is actually giving players a "once a year pass" to knock the fuck out of someone when they try and start shit as long as they are an adult.