
I'm Officially ALL IN On Sam Howell

Rob Carr. Getty Images.


Ok, this blog has to be done. Enough is enough. For the last 2 weeks I've been ranting and raving on Twitter about how to succeed in the NFL you need a top QB. Everything else is secondary- if you don't have a top talent at QB, you are more or less wasting your season. Obviously it's nearly impossible for a team to get one, which is why it drives me INSANE that the Commanders don't even try. Ron being content with rolling with a 5th round pick who has 1 career start under his belt is driving me nuts. There is a chance Howell can be good. There's definitely a chance. But the numbers and stats and percentages all say it's highly improbable Howell is THE guy. 

When you look at the full scope of it, the Commies are built to win now. The defense is legit unit and the offense has playmakers left and right. But no QB. And we all know the QB is the difference maker. You can have the most talented team in the world but if you don't have a quarterback you don't have anything. And one QB can change the entire franchise for a decade. Look at Joe Burrow- took a 2-14 Bengals team to the damn Super Bowl. Which is why I think if you don't have your franchise guy, you need to draft QB after QB after QB until you get one.

With all of that being said, fuck it, let's ride. Let's fucking go Sam Howell. I can't argue about this any longer. It's a waste of everyone's time. We have Sam Howell, and that's who we are going to war for. I hope, I pray, I do a dance to the sun that Sam Howell is legit. That Howell can take this team to the next level. That Sam Howell, depsite dropping to the 5th round, has that certain something that got him a 1st round grade during his sophomore year. Let's do it. Let's throw caution to the wind, say fuck it all, and ride the Howellwagon til the wheels come off.

I've done this for every QB for the last 3 decades. Doesn't matter which of the 147 QBs it's been, I've been ride or die. I was hesitant about going into this season with Howell, but no longer. I'm fully on board. He's our guy and I will no longer question it or doubt it. See you bitches at the Super Bowl. HOWELLLLLLLLLLLL.