
There's No Bigger Asshole In College Basketball Than Arizona's Kerr Kriisa And The Sport Is Better Because Of Him

I mean that headline as a compliment. Every great team has an asshole and they have a motherfucker. Both are compliments, both have different meanings. Tubelis would be classified as the motherfucker on Arizona. Kriisa is the ultimate asshole. He's basically what people think Hunter Dickinson is, except, you know, Kriisa is on a good team. 

You need a guy that will piss off opposing fans, not afraid to talk a little shit and also execute. That's Kerr Kriisa. Look at last night. This game was over yet Kriisa is still out here talking shit. Not only that. He airballs a free throw shooting righty - like he normally does. But his shoulder got banged up so he switches to a lefty and swish. Walton loved it. Arizona loved it. Watching Kriisa it looked like he hit a game-winner. 

I know anyone with a personality like Kriisa tends to piss off the casual fans of college basketball, but the sport needs it. There needs to be more personality in college basketball. When you think of the sport, you think of coaches first. Give me more guys like Kriisa - and even Dickinson - so we at least get some entertainment. You can't tell me it's not rubbing off on Arizona too. You have Oumar Ballo calling Stanford nerds: 

I like Arizona man. Tommy Lloyd can coach his ass off and proved to be a hell of a hire for a guy who was a career assistant at Gonzaga. They have some nice pieces, they are going to be a 2/3 seed. Plus they started wearing their jerseys from the 1997 way more and those are elite. They stopped wearing JV jerseys. That might be the biggest thing.