
We May Have Found The Worst Beat Of Championship Week... Jackson St -2

This could be a very premature take on Thursday at 6pm, when there is still a SHIT TON of basketball to be played, but this was gross. Absolutely grotesque. A WILD OPEN... I MEAN A WIDE OPEN DUNK to go up 4, and he blows it. 

Giphy Images.
Giphy Images.

Listen this is a tough tough business folks, you think it's just fun and games. A little skin in the game during the Conference tournaments, make the games interesting, and the next thing you know you are screaming at a game on ESPN+ in a one bid league because a kid missed a WIDE OPEN DUNK. 

The key is to not sulk ,not cry, just dust yourself off and hope the next game is a winner, or a bounce that goes in your favor instead. It's a marathon not a sprint. Keep the eyes on the prize. 
