
Kevin Durant Hurt His Ankle In Warmups Last Night And Now The Suns Fear He Might Be Out The Rest Of The Season And Potentially Beyond

Jesse D. Garrabrant. Getty Images.

Before the Suns even traded for Kevin Durant, there were NBA title expectations on them. Given their Finals run and how good they've been over the last 2+ years, their window to win is right now.

After the Suns traded for Kevin Durant, many consider them the favorites. That addition shifted the power in the West and arguably the NBA. Once he finally stepped on the floor, we got an idea of why people may think that. The Suns look like a wagon with their new roster sharing the floor, and I'm not exactly sure what defenses are supposed to do to stop it. 

In the NBA, things can change quickly. Not just in terms of roster moves or trades or anything like that. Sometimes all it takes is a layup line.

What do I mean? 

I'm not saying we're quite at this level


but as a Suns fan this has to scare the shit out of you. That's what I call some shit luck. How often do you see someone turn an ankle like that during warmups? At first when the Shams tweet came out it looked like he slipped on a wet spot or something. To see it was actually his ankle rolling over like that….man that's tough.

Remember, the Suns are currently in the 4 spot and trail as high as #2 by two games. They have a 3 game lead on GS after blowing the shit out of OKC last night. This is not a case of the Suns are now fucked without Durant, but this stretch run is important for their roster to get some actual run together before the playoffs start. That was the big thing after the trade, would this team have enough time to gel and get a rhythm together before the most important part of the year.

At this point, I don't know how you can't be overly cautious the rest of the way with KD. If that's truly a Grade 2 sprain, you can't rush it. Durant is too important. On some level I feel for Suns fans because this has to be one hell of a wave of emotion. OIne second you're elated that KD is on your team. Then you see what it looks like and get even more excited, and now that's been ripped from you all because of a layup line against the goddamn OKC Thunder. That's some cosmic shit if I've ever seen it. 

Can you imagine how lame it would be if we get a PHX/GS first round series and KD isn't ready for it? That would suck big time. You have to feel for KD on some level too, given that his MCL injury was a result of someone falling into his leg and now this. Two freak injuries that you almost never see. That sinks.

All I ask from the Basketball Gods is to cut this shit out. Let us get through these last 15ish games injury free. We deserve full health for the playoffs, but it seems like they have not gotten the message


Just cut the shit already. Enough is enough.