
March Bad Beats Are Next Level Painful

 Championship week is so cruel. There’s something about watching a collection of teams across the country all have their season end in a two week span. Think about that for a second , in no other sport do teams season all end in such a short period. Pro sports get teams eliminated one by one , maybe two- three teams lose on the same day depending on the playoff series / or playoff matchup etc. The ones who didn’t make playoff contention are put in week 10, or week 11 and it’s anti climatic. 

Championship week is gather every team IN THE COUNTRY and decide a majority their fates , especially in 1 bid leagues , in a week and a half span. It’s a shark tank. The kids faces tell it all. The agony of defeat knowing it’s over is brutal to watch. 

It’s also brutal to bet on. Leads disappear , shots go down that mean nothing yet everything. It’s a wild wild emotional ride. 

Example #49120376 … Cleveland St drilling a three that means nothing on the outcome but everything to the spread . 

Get ready for 600 more of this this week. I love this week (as long as my team covers).