
Suspicious: Every NFL Team You Would Expect To Go Hard After Lamar Jackson Is Reportedly OUT

Well.... this is not how I expected things to go. I don't think there's many that could have expected the way this has played out in the few short hours since the Ravens announced Lamar's non-exclusive tag.

For all the warts Lamar Jackson has in recent years, the guy is still a 26-year old former MVP who is damn near the most electric player the league has ever seen. You would think teams would be champing at the bit to have a go at him, especially some of these loser franchises that are in serious need of a QB. 

For weeks we've speculated who might be a trade partner to strike a deal with if Lamar negotiations have gone south. Damn near every single one of them is on that list above, and the others have tidied up their QB situations. The Giants struck their deal with Daniel Jones. The Saints went and got their guy in Derek Carr. By all accounts the Jets seem honed in on Aaron Rodgers. It's very odd. Hell, the Falcons even went to the extent of retweeting the report of their disinterest.

Now I get that that's a reporter employed by the Falcons to write news about the Falcons… but they were the team that was most strongly linked to Lamar. For them (and all these other teams) to come out so quickly and vigorously against Lamar has been nothing short of bizarre.

Unless it isn't? The obvious is right in front of us as it relates to NFL owner's opposition to fully guaranteed contracts. It's been reported that owners were furious about Jimmy Haslam's fully guaranteed contract to DeShaun Watson, and Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti said it outright in a press conference a year ago.

And wouldn't ya know it, guess who got together last night?

All of it is a little too coincidental if I must say so myself. My one thing is… if NFL owners are colluding (allegedly), how could they be so bad at it? Aren't they being a little too obvious about it?


In reality, I'm sure it's a bit of an unspoken agreement among those guys. Would not put it past them one bit. And perhaps they're trying to send a strong message to the NFLPA, who hasn't been shy about their involvement with Lamar's situation.

All I know is this saga just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Maybe one day we'll be able to put all this behind us and some hard truths will be made known..