
Mick Cronin Put Little Joe Lunardi In A Body Bag, Saying He Has No Clue Who He Is And Doesn't Care About His Opinion

Live look at Mick Cronin in my personal People With Great Takes rankings:

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I speak for nobody at Barstool Sports other than myself — in case any collegiate basketball podcasts want to have Joe Lunardi on in the future — but I'm not a fan of Little Joe. This stems partly from his vendetta against Tennessee fans last season, but I didn't love him to begin with. He seems to think he's God's gift to college basketball when in reality, he's the EIGHTY-EIGHTH ranked bracketologist in the game. I didn't even know there were 88 bracketologists.

And Mick Cronin clearly doesn't concern himself with any bracketologists outside the top 75, because he says he doesn't even know who Lunardi is. What a power move. I imagine Joe was quite unpleased when word got back to his lair that one of the top coaches in the sport could not be bothered with such nonsense as his opinion. What an own.

I will be responsibly placing a national title future on UCLA on the Barstool Sportsbook in light of this exchange. Mick Cronin the GOAT.