
Minnesota Vikings Wide Receiver KJ Osborn Saved A Man From A Raging Car Fire


NY Post- Minnesota Vikings wide receiver K.J. Osborn is being hailed a hero after helping save a man’s life from a burning car on Sunday night.

“Last night myself and these 3 absolute heroes helped save a man’s life by rescuing him from a vehicle up in flames after a bad crash,” Osborn wrote on Twitter. “A situation I’d never imagine being a part of in a million years.”

Osborn, 25, was on his way home in an Uber after a workout in Austin, Texas, when he was alerted by his driver that a car had crashed under a bridge and burst into flames, he said on The Adam Schefter Podcast. 

“My Uber driver just starts going crazy. He’s like, ‘Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!’ I look up, and I’m wondering what’s all the fuss about,” Osborn said. “He’s like, ‘This guy crashed,’ and I look to my right and there’s a car, if you were to picture it, under a bridge’s pillars. His car is head-on. He hit the pillar and his car is in flames.”

Osborn, along with his Uber driver and two other bystanders — who he called “heroes” — pulled over to evaluate the situation and call for help.

Absolutely insane story of Osborn pulling a man out of a burning car, and saving his life. The quote Osborn says on Twitter is correct, yet almost makes you smirk given the way it's been used in the past couple of weeks in a completely different tone. Osborn tweeted "Right place, right time." Which is true. Osborn played at Miami so it doesn't seem like he's taking a shot at Alabama, but it's interesting it was used in such a different way, and in a story with a much happier ending. 

All time props here to Osborn for acting fast to save a stranger, in a situation not everyone would react or know how to react. Car fires can be no joke, and in hectic situations even those who have been there before can tense up. Osborn and his friends did what could only be described as acting with the best human intentions possible, and as a result saved a man's life. It often seems like in sports we hear a lot about the bad stories, or the juicy gossipy ones have a longer shelf life. But it's one's like these that should be garnering more intention. Osborn, a 5th round draft pick,  getting limited time in the NFL, seems like the type of guy who has a big heart whether or not he can catch a football, and that's always a good thing to see. Some things are bigger than sports.