
If Sports had a Multiverse, would these changes work?

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Unless you have been living inside of a rock because under a rock would still not escape the stronghold that superhero movies have had on everyone that inhabits the current planet, then you are familiar with the multiverse. If you're not then here is a brief break down in a way that today's generation understands. The multiverse is a made up idea that there are a trillion copies of you doing different stuff in another universe! Got it? Ok now that we are clear let’s talk sports! 

Imagine if your favorite athlete, coach or announcer was involved in another sport other than their own. Could they still be as successful? What would their talents be? How would history have changed? Welp if you've made it this far then prepare yourself to be upset, happy or confused as I tackle a few what ifs in regards to the sports world. Welcome to the Sportiverse (I swear it sounded so much better in my head).

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What if Phil Jackson had coached the Tom Brady led New England Patriots?

Now let’s take a man who is considered one of the greatest coaches in NBA history. A man who coached 5 of the game’s top 50 players (MJ, Pippen, Kobe, Shaq & Rodman)—please don't debate this! A coach whose reputation for dealing with difficult, competitive and alpha personalities. Now place him next to a person who is considered by anyone that has watched football the greatest QB ever, Tom Brady. If anybody could have been successful as a coach in the NFL, it’s Phil. The calmness and demeanor would have translated without a hiccup and the Zoolander stare that he would have given Tom whenever number 12 got too curious or demanding would have been sports article goldmine material. Phil once allowed Rodman to travel to Vegas during the season in order to get his mind right. I think he could have handled any egos or self-damaging attitudes that came with coaching Gronk, #81, Randy Moss and the little fiery guy that is a second ballot hall-of-famer that nobody wants to admit to(😈). In another universe Phil is the reason the patriots won 9 championships and he doesn't mind #12 taking credit for it, he never did.

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What if Mugsy Bogues was a world-renowned boxer?

Mugsy is the inspiration for the person at the park who is past their prime but will not stop working on their left because they believe that anything is possible. Known for being one of the shortest NBA players in history along with being a very quick skilled point guard in the NBA, Mugsy was, and will always be, an inspiration. But what if I told you that in the sportiverse (it just sounds so lame every time I type it) Mugsy was knocking people the %^%$^ out and doing it with no problem in the boxing world…would you buy it?

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Well in this universe, Mugsy never sought the NBA, he was too busy Mike Tyson-ing the competition. In the Sportiverse, he is known for his speed, Beetle Juice charisma and his Ant-Man sized punching power. Mugsy would probably have achieved the highest of boxing heights along with the accolades that came with it. In this universe there would be Ali, Tyson, and Mugsy the Bug Bogues.

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What if Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were announcers in tennis?

Could you imagine the commotion and the excitement of hearing Jim Ross scream, "Serena Williams is here ladies and gentlemen, she's here! Through hell, fire and Compton Serena Williams is really here!”  Hahaha ok ok I just made myself laugh out loud. Two of sports’ most recognizable voices covering tennis matches have become a common thing in their universe. Jerry is incredibly infatuated with covering Pete Sampras because of Pete’s chest hair and even indulges in doubles matches every so often. In this universe the WWE never quite took off and hulk hogan never became the poster child for wrestling entertainment in the lates 80's and early 90's, so commentators had to find other outlets and the wide world of tennis came calling. Even though no Stone Cold or The Rock ever gave performances that also gave Ross and Lawler some of their best catch phrases, I must say the quotes and apologies that came with watching Andre Agassi lose to Wayne Gretzky (Sportiverse, remember ) it’s a match made in heaven.

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This is a topic that could go on forever and if this blog ages well maybe we can revisit how Lebron James is doing as a tight-end for the Dallas Cowboys or how Tiger Woods is holding up as a swimmer where his greatest rival has weirdly become Sammy Sosa? But wait, we can also get into what Sonja Henieis and Danica Patrick are looking to accomplish as the worlds’ best lumberjacks who now have Lisa Leslie on their heels. 

Whatever it is, just know somewhere out there it’s possible and it’s happening or this just may be from the mind of a man who ate 4 taco salads from the neighborhood gas station. 

For more stuff be sure to follow me on all socials @JoshPray