
Kiké Hernandez Let The World Know That He Once Shit His Pants In A Playoff Game

I stand with Kiké here. Sometimes you just shit yourself. It doesn't matter if you're at home playing video games, driving down I-95 after guzzling a 64 ounce gas station coffee, or playing major league baseball, shitting your pants happens and I don't need anyone to shame him for it.

Obviously the follow-up question should be if he trusted himself that much with a fart knowing there was a chance he could soil himself because of the medicine? Did he run back to the dugout covering his ass? I give him props for opening up and letting us know because I would not have told a single soul if I shit myself during a playoff game. That would come to the grave with me. But not Kiké, he's shouting it from a mountain top. 

I guess only the best hitters crap themselves, right George?