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I Would Love To See The Chaos If The NFL Owners Are Forced To Vote Out Dan Snyder


We could be in for a real, real awesome storyline this off-season as Dan Snyder and the other billionaire owners in the NFL get into an all-time power struggle over the selling of the franchise. 

Basically it goes like this:

As it currently appears, Jeff Bezos is going to be the highest bidder for the team. Dan Snyder HATES Jeff Bezos, and wants to refuse to sell to him. The other NFL owners will not allow that to happen, as taking a lower bid for the team decreases the re-sale value for the rest of the franchises. So Dan Snyder is threatening not to sell, in which the other owners will then be forced to vote him out. Simple enough right? Wrong. Because Dan Snyder can then leak all sorts of dirty laundry about the other owners. And boy howdy that laundry would be juicy. Shit, imagine just how far Snyder would be willing to go. Would he be so brash to try and bring down the entire league if he doesn't get his way? Nothing would surprise me, as his pettiness know no bounds. 

The entire thing sounds like an unwritten episode of "Succession". Bluffing, bluff calling, backdoor deals, billion dollar franchises hanging in the balance, and the most vindictive, evil asshole to ever walk the planet, Dan Snyder, right in the middle of it. I can just see the text now to Jim Irsay reading "vote me out and see what happens". 

Snyder is demanding the NFL "indemnify him", meaning if he sells he can no longer get in trouble for anything he has done.



The entire league is walking a tricky tight-rope. Would Snyder actually blow the whole thing up if he doesn't get his way? Is that a risk they are willing to take? It's fascinating to think about.

Right now it's very possible Snyder is in a lose-lose situation and is trying to bluff or bully his way out of it. I see it like this- Snyder can either:

A) Sell the team that he loves so much to his sworn enemy Jeff Bezos 


B) Get voted out by the other NFL owners...and then watch it get sold to Bezos. Either way he will leave pathetic and disgraced. 

Honestly, it should be incredible theater and I cannot wait to see what happens next.