
I Got Tossed Out Of My Local Coffee Shop While Filming The Dozen Trivia

Right after the taping of Team FLUX vs. Frank & The Frankettes The Dozen Trivia match I was asked to leave my local coffee shop for making too much noise. 

I had well documented internet problems my last two matches so I thought the coffee shop was the best option. So much for that.....

Apparently people were trying to study???? I thought I was on great behavior too. Seems like a ridiculous misunderstanding ESP because I give them good business. The moral of the story is to not drink anything other than Stella Blue Coffee. Big Cat would NEVER kick me out of anything for being annoying.... right?

Team FLUX is on the bubble of The Dozen Trivia Tournament at #17 in the newest rankings.

After beating defending champion Uptown Balls, a win over the #2 Frank & The Frankettes would lock up a postseason spot.

Can Team FLUX pull the upset off? Find out tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern! I damn sure want some revenge on Frank The Tank after I blew the Quarterfinals last year for my former team The Honkers. 

Can we rattle Frank to get him off his game? Regardless of how this goes, I am thrilled with my new teammates Chris Castellani & Joey Camasta. Our skill sets fit well together and our future is bright. And it certainly seems like The Honkers are doing quite well as they tied the scoring record last week. Maybe this trade was for the best for both parties…..

Support Team FLUX by buying a shirt here. 
