CHAOS: North Florida/Austin Peay Players Sprint To The Tunnel For A Brawl After Their Game Ends With A Skirmish On The Court
A couple things right off the bat here. 1) The fact there hasn't been any security footage posted from the hallway is absurd. It's 2023. Make Big Brother worth something already by now. 2) This is just great court awareness. Okay, we got separated on the court? Guess what? We know the tunnels connect in the back. Meet me back there and we'll settle it. If you're going to fight, fight. Can't do the whole hold me back routine. You need to throw a punch or two. I wouldn't call what we saw on the court a brawl. It's a skirmish, a brouhaha.
You can tell the way the UNF guys sprinted there it was clear shit was about to go down. The only time you sprint like that is 1) you're about to get into a fight 2) you're about to shit your pants and you see a place to go. That's it. Those are the only two sprints like that.
Hell of a way to shut down an arena. This is the last game at Austin Peay's place before they open a new one. You go out with a win and a brawl. 2-for-2. Now, all that said. It's a bullshit foul by the UNF guy here. That's a frustration foul for sure and you're pissed the guy is trying to bounce it to himself. But come on. You can't hit a guy in the air like that no matter what. That's obviously what leads to the brouhaha.
Somewhere that secret tunnel with the Rockets/Clippers is jealous. Still an all-time clip:
PS: Never forget this regularly used gif is from North Florida