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Here are the Most Burning Unanswered Questions About the Government's Ever-Changing UFO Narrative

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Both Hubbs and I have each been taking alternating shots at sifting through the confusing, changing, and often contradictory stories being fed to the world on the UFOs the US military have allegedly shot down. The reports come from the White House, the Canadian Prime Minister's office, as well as an alphabet soup of various government acronym agencies, from NORAD, to the USAF, to DHS, to this new AARO task force:

… to possibly NASCAR and Agents of SHIELD before the week is out. Things are coming just that fast.

But that's to be expected when we're dealing with something that, to anyone's knowledge, has literally never happened before. We've got United States military craft scrambling to pursue and take down flying objects of unknown origin and purpose from the skies over our nation and Canada. 

Hmm. Small, cylindrical object …

Giphy Images.

Moving on …

There's a lot to sort out here. And as is so often the case when there's record distrust between the government and the governed, the more answers they give, the more questions we are left with. Taking them in no particular order:

Why are we engaging with so many of these things all of a sudden?

The official answer is that after the Chinese balloon was discovered over Montana that our air defense systems were re-calibrated. That we essentially put a smaller filter on our detection. So instead of only looking for things the size of a jet, we began looking for things as small as a Nissan Cube (my analogy, not the Pentagon's). But that comes after a week of conflicting reports claiming balloons come by us all the time, they've been doing it for years, but they're not a threat to anyone, so we let them be. All of which has been vehemently denied by people who were in charge just a few years ago.

Where is the footage from these close encounters?

Let's take one of these, the one where a UFO/UAP was shot down over the Yukon. It wasn't taken out by Maverick flying without a wingman after going rogue. This was a coordinated effort by the military of two nations using their most technologically sophisticated weapons system to detect and track whatever this was. In a world were every food delivery to your front door is instantly available on your phone and you can't get pulled over for speeding without staring into the cop's body cam, it's safe to assume these aircraft have the ability to record what they're doing. Video. High-resoution photos. Radar contact. Infrared. Tracking data. And yet to date, not one image has been seen by the public who's paying for all of it. They just expect us to accept these vague descriptions of cylinders and octagons like we're 4-year-olds getting a lesson about shape names from a Muppet.  


Why are they saying the debris can't be found?

The first thing we were told about the one that was taken down over the Yukon Territory was that the remains of the craft will be super duper hard to find. To the point they specified the debris would be scattered over an area of 3,000 miles. Like that information came out faster than Tom Hanks in Castaway figuring out the search area for him would be bigger than Texas or whatever. Despite the fact they have the aforementioned highly advanced equipment at their disposal.

CTV in Canada - Several Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft are involved in the Yukon operation, including a large CC-130H Hercules search and rescue plane, two smaller CC-138 Twin Otter planes, and CH-148 Cyclone and CH-149 Cormorant helicopters. Additional support is being provided by Canadian Armed Forces personnel deployed in Whitehorse and Dawson City under the leadership of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command.

"The debris is located in a remote location northeast of Dawson City, in complex alpine terrain that is prone to challenging northern weather conditions," Canadian Defence Minister Anita Anand said in a tweet. … Sean McGillis, the acting deputy commissioner of the RCMP's federal policing program … admitted the possibility of finding nothing in the Yukon.

So they began the operation lowering expectations. Making sure the public expects no results. When the cynic in me can't help but think if some politician's family was missing up there, or if it was like Cliffhanger and $100 million that John Lithgow stole from the US Treasury was on a mountain somewhere, they'd vow to find them alright. Hell, they'd be livestreaming the Search & Rescue teams heroics, not telling us not to expect results. 

How the hell did one of the most deadly accurate pieces of weaponry ever made miss its target? 

The UAP that was splashed into Lake Huron was taken down by an F-16, using a sidewinder missile that goes for $400,000 apiece. Why is it so expensive? Because it's worth it. Because when one of our Top Gun's lets one off the leash, they do so knowing it's going to get results. An investment of 400 grand is a relative bargain when you know with deadballs certainty it's going to neutralize somebody else's $20 million threat. In the cold, hard math of military expenditure, that's good ROI. 

And yet in this engagement, with this unidentified craft, this pilot shot 1-for-2 from the line.

Rolling Stone -  The military on  Sunday shot down an unidentified high-altitude object flying above Lake Huron. The New York Times reported that the Air Force took down the UFO with a Sidewinder air-to-air missile in a strike ordered by President Biden. Fox News reported on Monday, however, that it took two Sidewinders to bring down the object, as the first one missed. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley confirmed the whiff on Tuesday. “Yes, the first one missed,” he said from Brussels.

Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles cost over $400,000 a pop, Fox News notes. Milley said the initial errant missile “landed harmlessly” in the lake and that the military tracked it all the way down. 

“We’re very, very careful to make sure that those shots are, in fact, safe, and that’s the guidance from the president: Shoot it down but make sure we minimize collateral damage and we preserve the safety of the American people,” Milley explained. 

Well good on us. We're all glad no one on the ground was hurt. But that doesn't explain why they needed to take so much precaution with a weapon that's designed to bat 1.000. Or how this object they were in pursuit of managed to put the "miss" in "missile." What is going on that a thing which was flying a mere 20,000 feet above the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is so advanced as to be able to avoid our best weapons system? And obviously if that's a technology available to our enemies, either from or not of this Earth, we're going to be as defenseless as we were in ID4.

Why haven't they collected debris from Lake Huron?

The original reports said that we wouldn't be able to recover any possible wreckage of the craft that was shot down because the weather conditions on the lake were unsafe. OK. We can respect that. I took a cruise once and the first full day at sea turned the entire boat into a vomitorium. And I know all the words to "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" without looking at the karaoke screen.

But on the other hand, bad weather doesn't last forever. Sooner or later, those swells were going to turn into ripples, and then flat calm. So the public wasn't buying it. Then within hours of that - pardon the pun - trial balloon being shot down, the story changed. It wasn't about choppy waters on the lake. It was about deep waters preventing any sort of recovery. 

The US has possessed the most powerful navy in history since about Midway 80 years ago. And in 1968, managed to lift an intact Soviet nuclear sub off the bottom of the sea without anyone knowing about it. And while I'm not expert cartographer, I'm fairly certain Lake Huron is a lake. So in 2023 this should be, to put it mildly, doable. But nope. We're helpless to find materials from a flying object so deadly it had to be shot down at the cost of $800,000. But it was just our rotten luck that it happened to have occurred right over the deep end of the Huron pool. And even though it's our sovereign territory there's not a damned thing that can be done. Whatareyagonnado? 


So these are the biggest questions. For now. I doubt seriously anyone is going to talk on the record and provide answers. But what I can guarantee you is that any answers we do get, are just going to create more questions.