Football Guy: Terry Bradshaw Says He'd Be Willing To Die On-Air To Boost The Super Bowl Ratings
When it comes to the Super Bowl, it's all about the team, the team, the team. That's the only way you get to this point of the season. One team, one heartbeat. And for a guy like Terry Bradshaw, he's willing to give up that heartbeat if it means securing the dub for his team.
That's a man who loves ball. That's a man who is willing to do whatever it takes for his team to win. You want ratings? He's willing to literally leave it all out there in the studio to get the job done. Plenty of people out there say that they want to win, but do they have a drive like that? Doubt it. That's what makes Terry Bradshaw one of the best in the biz.
Terry Bradshaw knows what it takes to win a Super Bowl. He's won 4 of them thangs. You put this game on CBS on Sunday and Tony Romo could never. Clearly he's not built like that.
Sidenote: Thank god Damar Hamlin ended up being okay because Terry Bradshaw would be getting cooked alive for that quote if things went differently. Because I have a hard time believing Terry would have had the wherewithal to choose his words a little more carefully in that situation.