LeBron Wore Custom Head Phones That Had 38388 During Warmups So He Better Break The Record Tonight

I defend LeBron a lot, and this is really cool that he is going to break this record...but this man really does love himself. We all know the scoring record is about to be broken we don't need headphones with the number on it. The best part about LeBron is that he says he isn't selfish and doesn't care about the record but then does this. Then he will wonder why is everyone making fun of him and repeat the cycle every single year. 

Yeah he is selfish but we are never going to see a player like this ever again. He makes it hard to like him sometimes but the way people talk about him is outrageous. We take him for granted and when it comes down to it, 38k points is so many fucking points. The crazy thing is he can do this for another 5 years and still average 25+ a game. He might be a selfish bastard but he can always back it up. All I am saying is he can't wear these tonight and not break the record. Better go for 40 LeBron.