
Iowa Wrote Into OC Brian Ferentz's Contract The Hawkeyes Must Score A Whopping 25 Points Per Game Next Season

Oh, Iowa. It seems the ineptitude of Iowa's offense has permeated through the entire athletic department, as the Hawkeyes have found a way to have their historically putrid offense discussed even during Super Bowl week.

First, it was that head coach Kirk Ferentz announced he anticipated no changes to his coaching staff, meaning his son Brian would remain Iowa's offensive coordinator after leading one of the worst offenses in recent memory. Then, the university announced Brian's contract had been amended to include language that states the Hawkeyes must average 25 points per game and have seven wins in 2023. Really shooting for the stars!

I'm no expert, but it seems to me if you have to write in your offensive coordinator's contract that his offense must reach a goal that would have put it 85th in the country last season — tied with 3-9 Arkansas State — you should probably just go ahead and get a new offensive coordinator. And if you can't do that because the head coach is the OC's dad, you should think about getting rid of that guy, too.

The contract also doesn't state that those 25 points must come from the offense. Through three conference games last season, Iowa's defense had scored as many touchdowns as the offense: three.

I wish Iowa fans the best of luck in reaching that lofty goal of 25 points per game next season. The worst part is I'm not sure how they can possibly get there.