
Pardon My Take Is Cursed

We have known for a very long time that the majority of us on the Pardon My Take podcast root for bad football teams. Hank has witnessed Super Bowl after Super Bowl with the Patriots, Max won it all in 2018 (and may do it again this year), but the rest of us STINK! Our teams are so bad that the Bears, Commanders, Dolphins, and Jets make up 4 of the 6 teams that have not won a playoff game in at least a decade.

The last playoff win for the...

Miami Dolphins - Dec. 30, 2000

Washington Commanders - Jan. 7, 2006

Chicago Bears - Jan. 16, 2011

New York Jets - Jan. 16, 2011

We stink. All of us. And even though Hank's team isn't on this list, he has never gotten the lottery ball correctly, so he is cursed, too. It's really amazing that there are 32 teams in this league, and just six of them have not won a playoff game in more than 10 years. And the fact that the majority of those teams are represented by the Pardon My Take podcast just proves that we are cursed.

Maybe, just maybe, this drought will end one day. But probably not. Throwback to the time when Billy said he "felt bad" for Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter because they were Bears and Commanders fans, respectively. Billy is a Jets fan!