
It's Official - This Game Is Under Protest, There's Been Too Many Shenanigans From The Eagles And City Of Philadelphia

I'm officially declaring this game under protest. Credit me for doing it early and not using it as a reverse jinx or anything like that. The shenanigans from the Eagles and the entire city of Philadelphia left me no choice. It started this morning: 

Then we had the broken chain which just so happened resulted in Daniel Jones getting sacked on 3rd and 4th down? Down 14-0? I've got my tinfoil hat on. There's no other option here. You're telling me Daniel Jones regressed this much in one week? I don't think so. The broken chain. The lack of water. Something is going on here and I won't stand for it. 

There are only two options here. 1. Time to get the egg dye out and all dye our dicks blue. 2. Declare this game under protest and make them play it again. 

Oh and as i write this Daniel Jones has to miss a play by missing his contact? Burning a timeout because of it? Something is up. Game is under protest.