
Ed Reed Tears Bethune-Cookman's Administration To Pieces With An Impassioned Speech To His Players After BCU Forced Him Out

Gah damn. Ed Reed absolutely leaving it all out there, as he always does. I grabbed a couple videos from Twitter, but the Instagram video directly from his account is the whole damn thing, 15+ minutes in full

I can't say I know all the details of what went down in the 25 days between when they announced his hiring and today. But Ed Reed sure as shit has some thoughts about it. Along the way it sounded like there was some bumps in the road, mainly because my man Ed is unapologetically himself. He made it a point to have his players go around and pick up trash around campus, and he let his thoughts be known that the condition of things at BCU were not up to standard:

That's a culture thing with Ed. The man has his principles and the trash has always been a thing with him, even with his pro teammates.


It's about respecting your space. That's championship culture and he's absolutely right.

Ed came in guns blazing in an effort to change the culture at BCU. He's not one to pussyfoot around and be a yes-man about it either. Apparently administration took issue with the brash nature in which he did it, and Ed acknowledges that. But it's clear when they confronted him about it that he also didn't back down from it because he refuses to accept subpar standards. Not for his sake, but for the sake of what he was trying to build. BCU should have known that's what they were signing up for when they brought him on and embraced it. Instead they turned it around on him and put some bullshit out there that Ed was "withdrawing" from the position.

It's a damn shame. Conventional minds would consider Ed to be a little rough around the edges, but that's just passion. Anyone who can't see that is the one who is misguided, not him. The benefits of his unapologetic authenticity far outweigh the perceived cons that come with it. He's gonna make people uncomfortable, but it's for the greater good. Hopefully another program will see this and give Ed the keys because it's clear that it's in his heart to coach young men.. 

Now cue the greatest halftime speech in the history of football.