
Having A Massive Rack Isn't All Sunshine & Daisies


Goddamn do I love Lexi Goldberg! Not only was Lexi one of the coolest guests we've had to date, she's the only guest I've ever had that has brought a gift as amazing as a brand new pair of New Balances x Aime Lane Dore. Anyone who has known me over the years I'm sure has noticed that I'm a peasant in the shoe game as I'm often wearing hideous Adidas sneaks so Lexi took it upon herself to change that. I've been wearing these SICK New Balances she got me ever since and my feet still feel like I'm floating on a cloud. Aside from that we discussed the pros & cons of having breasts as massive as hers, her TikTok game, the most odd things subscribers have requested with watermelons, and Stu Feiner stops in to enjoy the show as well. Enjoy!