
One Thing Every NHL Team Needs Before The Trade Deadline - Atlantic Division...Bonus $EBR Winner!

On Episode 3 of Chiclets Games Notes Army, G and myself did a quick rundown of moves we want to see NHL teams make as we inch closer to the trade deadline. 

We talked mostly about Cup contenders, but since I’m a proven tanking expert (you’re welcome Pittsburgh) we will cover the bottom feeders as well in this blog. I am not a Capologist by any means, I barely got through Calc II at RPI, so not sure how teams will make it work, but find a way! 

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Atlantic Division

via the Barstool Sportsbook

Boston: I stand pat, you don’t want to mess with the chemistry this team has right now. Unless a real game-changer falls into your lap. Is Hayes that guy? Make sure to check out our interview with Bruins coach Jim Montgomery from last week's Spittin' Chiclets.

Toronto: Trade for Chychrun from the Coyotes, need a 30-minute d-man to try and get out of the 1st round. The club has nothing else but to go all in to make a run. I would not mind them making the call to Chicago for Jones. Crazier things can happen. 

Tampa: Tough to predict who the Lightning will target but they always seem to find the right guy at the deadline that fits.  I can see a D-man to fill out the core, maybe then you can give Hedman a few shifts off since he's a father of two like Big Cat now.


Buffalo: Trade for John Gibson and sneak into the playoffs this year to gain that important experience for the future. This is being long-term greedy so that when the young guys keep improving they are not shocked by playoff hockey. Ryan Miller's jersey is headed to the rafters Thursday, so it's time for the Sabres to have a legitimate starter in the pipes again.

Florida: Blow it up, even if you make the playoffs you're not winning a round. Move anyone you can and re-stock your draft picks. The only players on the no-trade are Spencer Knight and Matthew Tkachuk.

Detroit: Stay the course, and don’t trade any assets, next year is the year to move. Get Larkin signed now; his leadership is worth his contract in spades.  

Ottawa: Something major has to happen, the coach or a couple of the core players need to go. It’s been too many years of waiting for them to turn the corner. Will the fans stand for anything less? I do not think so. 

Montreal: Tank S’il vous plait! Trade everyone you can and don’t replace them with NHL-level players. Can you imagine Bedard in a Habs jersey for the next 15 years? Josh Anderson will command assets in return. 


Tonight's $EBR Play:

Toronto Maple Leafs Moneyline / Buffalo Sabres Moneyline Parlay +141 Barstool Sportsbook

Everybody Rides!!!

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