
WATCH: Guy's Face Swells Up Like A Goddamn Melon After Getting The Shit Smacked Out Of Him In A Slap Fight

Really quick...what is this sport? Is this just where the dumbest of the dumb go to make themselves dumber? Like I truly don't understand it. It's just two people repeatedly giving each other CTE for limited prize money. To be honest I don't even know if there is prize money, but I'm assuming there has to be based on how brutal their injuries are. Regardless, I audibly gasped when I saw the side of that guy's face. Look at this shit...




That cotton ball? That's to stop the blood from pouring out of his ears. I mean the poor guy looks like he's having a bells palsy flare up right in the middle of the match….




I guess that's to be expected when you're repeatedly getting smashed in the face. Oh well. Best of luck to not only that guy, but every moron who competes in "slap fighting." Fingers crossed your golden years don't involve a nursing home and drool rag.