
You Think Coach Cal Is Fired Up About Kentucky Actually Looking Like A Decent Basketball Team For A Half?

I don't know what the fuck I just watched but I missed it. I'm not talking the interview, I'm talking Kentucky actually playing basketball. Defending? That's a new concept this year. Making open shots? Who knew that could happen? Weird how this looks when you actually play your best lineup.

But this is peak Coach Cal. He's a notorious interview guy. He's animated, he'll go off the rails. That's what happened here. I missed this too. It was old school Cal. Sure, there's still a half and a good part of me expects the worst, because that's the way the season is going, but for one half I get to be happy. It's bullshit. I miss the good old days. 

This could be a sign though. If Kentucky somehow wins this game and turns the season around this interview is on the highlight reel. Poor Holly Rowe didn't know what she was walking into. Just trying to ask the halftime question and got Cal losing his mind.