
UPDATE: There Is No Deal Currently In Place To Sell The WWE To The Saudis And Everyone Jumped The Gun Last Night...But It Still Could Happen


Last night while everyone was minding their own business, a bunch of reporters shared the same report- that Vince McMahon sold the WWE to the Saudis. It seemed to be confirmed by a bunch of people, and the news spread like wildfire.

Now come this morning, the reports are quite the opposite- 



Now does it mean it's entirely not true? No. One of the original guys, maybe THE original guy with the story tweeted:



And it's possible it's still happening but will just take a little more time:



So nobody knows 100% for sure, but it still looks like the rumors at least have legs to them. It's very rare a story could get so much steam and be completely untrue, but then again this is the WWE and Vince McMahon we're talking about, so nothing is off the table with that lunatic.

What we do know though is Steph stepped down as Co-CEO yesterday, merely days after Vince rejoined the company. So it's not all rainbows and gumdrops over there, something is afoot. 


Needless to say, the Saudis owning the WWE would be bad. They would own the video library and be able to scrap and destroy anything they don't like or approve of. Who knows what would happen to women's wrestling. And at the drop of a hat, and a fat $10 million check, some prince could decide he's going to pin Roman Reigns and become the new WWE champion. It's all a very slippery slope.

Hopefully Vince comes to his senses, but that doesn't seem likely. It feels something is very imminent. Let's just hope someone knows some sense into him before he destroys everything he spent his entire life building.


PS: If it's true that Steph/HHH leaked the stories that Vince originally left the WWE about, and then Vince found out it was them, came back, and sold the entire company to the Saudis out of pure spite, that's the greatest storyline in the history of business. I hate him, and he's an old miserable fuck, but nobody has more spite than Vincent Kennedy McMahon.