
Popeyes Has Signed The Meme Kid To An NIL Deal And Have Made His Dreams Come True!!!!


A couple of days ago I blogged about one of the most popular memes of all time, the kid giving side eye at Popeyes. He is now a D2 offensive lineman and he tweeted to Popeyes that he just wanted to talk! I wrote that while nobody necessarily "deserves" anything, we could all agree our friend Dieunerst Collin, who has seemingly been a good sport about being a meme his entire life, definitely deserves a lil sum sum from Popeyes.

And then last night, from the heavens above, Popeyes replied: 



Giphy Images.


I love feel-good stories like this. Dieunerst has gone his entire life as "Popeyes kid", has been memed..I don't know…9 trillion times, and now it looks like it will get him a bag. I hope it works out amazingly for him. I hope he becomes the spokesman for them and makes millions. I hope he's a natural on camera and goes to Hollywood. I'm rooting so hard for him. I love a good redemption story (not sure if this is technically redemption, but you know what I mean) and this coming full circle 10 or so years later is just a chef's kiss. Can't wait to see what happens next. Go Dieunerst Go!