
Checking In On Indiana Basketball -They've Lost Two Games In A Row Annnnddddd Players Are Now Fighting With Fans On Instagram

By all accounts this is a pretty harmless Instagram post by Barstool IU. In fact, it's pretty nothing. It's a simple fan meme that has been used no less than a million times on Twitter and Instagram. Not exactly sure how this set off basically the entire Indiana roster but we have them now firing shots at fans. Granted, the lazy eye comment is funny, still not the best look to start fighting with fans on social media. Not when you've lost two in a row. 

This isn't me being an Indiana hater. I thought they were overrated because, well, I didn't trust their guard play. Even I can admit they've suffered some brutal injuries and that's obviously hurt them. But you still blew a massive lead to Iowa. You still lost at home to Northwestern. To this guy!

Giphy Images.

Fans are rightfully pissed off. There were expectations at Indiana for one of the first times in decades. Everyone thought they'd win the Big 10. A bunch of people had them preseason top-15. Instead here they are at 10-5 really banking on that early win at Xavier and home win over UNC.


But you're playing at Indiana. I'm going to do something surprising and give them credit. Even if their program sucks and is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, those fans fucking care. They live and die with the team. They are going to get mad at losses. You should probably be able to handle that with a joke or just ignore it. 

I know social media can suck for athletes or whatever, but this? This is fucking harmless. Maybe beat Northwestern and you won't get a pointless meme.