
Every Single Person Associated With This Kentucky Basketball Team Should Be Embarrassed, Ashamed And Pissed Off


Fucking pathetic. That's for everyone associated with the team. 

This team fucking stinks. Top to bottom. Calipari, Wheeler, Oscar, everyone. They all stink. That's the only takeaway. It goes hand-in-hand. Cal's offense is archaic and not set up for success. This team quits. This team isn't talented. Spare me Oscar is reigning NPOY. He won NPOY because he tries his ass off and got a ton of rebounds. He's not a 'talented' basketball player. Talented basketball players can do something to help the team. There's really only 1 talented player on the roster and that's Wallace, who was a no show today. 

Every single person should be embarrassed and ashamed. Not just this game, but the entire season. Every big game they no-showed. Every big time game they did something stupid. They pout, they quit, they make the same old bullshit excuses. It starts with Cal. Stop slowing the game down. Stop having a short leash with guys who can actually create offense. Stop playing multiple bigs. He should have benched Oscar the entire game since he simply can't guard a PnR. 

This team is the least enjoyable team Kentucky has had under Calipari. Even more so than the COVID 9 win year. At least there was an excuse that year. This team doesn't try, they don't care. And when Cal does make good decisions, the players don't execute. Both can be true. Cal has had a garbage golfing year. But these guys are missing wide open threes, dumb fouls and just turning the ball over. It's atrocious. It's not acceptable. 

So we've reached the point. Cal officially has 1 year to fix this. He has his roster coming in next year. The loaded recruiting class. The one we've been waiting for. If you don't achieve with that it's time to use the clause in his contract to put him in a cushy athletic department job and move on. 

I won't stand for it. Calipari needs to change. He has one year. The players need to stop their bullshit too. Stop being soft as shit in big games. Stop pouting. Show some fucking heart for one time in your life and make a play. Most embarrassing Kentucky team I've cheered for. Cuncel da fucking season.