
I Am A Speed Demon

Everyone is on the New Year's health grind right now to start 2023. I am lucky as hell to re-unite with my old trainer Monica in New Orleans. She led quite the core workout this morning in beautiful Audubon Park.

I am glad I mentioned for her to clip a couple of videos because they blew up on Twitter. 

Little did Monica know she would end up calling into the Barstool Yak later about her role as my trainer. The randomness of this company never ceases to amaze me!

As I get older and wiser, I have realized how important core workouts are to preventing injury ESP cause I am a bigger guy. Thanks to my guy Tom Kearn (Stoolie & NYC Chiropractor) I am not starting from square one Judging by the wild response to these videos, I am definitely going to keep them coming.....

The exercise plan for 2023 is all about balance. Some jogging, lifting, core & even some yoga mixed in. I gotta keep this current life gig going. Thats for damn sure!


Hopefully these core workouts will make me feel less cowardly. Please DO NOT buy this shirt.