
WILD Video Of A Seal Attacking A Kid On The Beach And Trying To Drag Him Into The Water






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Let me just start by saying that if there is one place on the planet I am NOT swimming…it's Cape Town, South Africa. Great White captiol of the world, seal capitol of the world, sketchy water capitol of the world. WHY people decide to swim there is beyond me. That said…a seal attack? Really? I feel like this is happening more and more often and it's honestly bizarre. It's not like they sneak up on you, you see them bobbing around in the waves checking everything out. That should be enough of a warning sign to stay away, not get in and start splashing around like this moron did a couple of months ago…




Regardless, that kid is lucky to be alive. Now he's just gotta pray he doesn't lose a leg from the bacteria. That said, the craziest part of this video is that is happened AGAIN a few minutes later when this buffoon got in the water…

Thank god a local was able to literally pluck the seal out of the water…


Wild. That's all I have for this one. Fingers crossed everyone is okay and remember, if you see animals in the ocean, maybe don't go swimming.